Hello dears! 
Criei este blog onde podem encontrar peças de roupa e acessórios que estou a vender e querem encontrar um novo dono ;)
Vou tentar actualizar sempre que puder, porque tenho muitas mais peças para vos mostrar!
Têm toda a informação na coluna do vosso lado esquerdo.

Se tiverem qualquer questão, escrevam para infocallmejo@gmail.com

Hello dears! 
I created this blog where you can find some pieces of clothes and accessories that I'm selling and want to find another owner who loves them as much as I did ;)
I'll try to update as much as I can, because I have many more pieces to show you.
You have all the information in the column on your left.

If you have any questions please write to: infocallmejo@gmail.com

P.s.: Don't forget that I live in Portugal, so the shipping will change depending on the country where you want me to send the pieces.

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